If you’ve been a resident of Berks County for a while, you know that the summer climate of Pennsylvania is very hot. The average temperatures in the months of June, July, and August can reach up to 80 degrees. As a result, being outside in Reading can be very uncomfortable.
It is important for your health this summer to find an indoor air quality consultation services company you can trust. That is why it is essential to do so.
Even when it’s not summer, residential indoor air quality services are a must for your home. That’s because the average person spends 87% of their days indoors. With the rise in remote work, people are spending more and more time inside, and if you’re not breathing clean air, you’re opening yourself up to airborne pathogens.
The best way to ensure that you’re getting clean air into your home is with regular testing from an IAQ company that’s done this many times before. The Service 360 Group is proud to be the trusted name across Berks County, PA, for indoor air quality services. We know we’ve earned our customers’ trust because of our thorough work and attention to detail, whether that means repairing a humidifier, conducting an inspection, or installing an indoor UV purification system.
The best reason to schedule indoor air quality testing is that you can’t get a handle on things you can’t see. Your air filter constantly traps small particles from the outside and keeps them from getting into your home, but it can only function for so long. When your HVAC in your Wyomissing home keeps taking in dirty air from outside and purifying it for your needs, it becomes far less effective in its work.
That’s when things can start to slip through, and if too many particles slip through, you could be breathing in unclean air without even knowing it. A reliable IAQ company can test your air and ensure you’re not breathing in anything harmful. If something registers, we can look at your home and search for potential sources of the problem. In many cases, homeowners wouldn’t have discovered the issue if they hadn’t brought in Indoor air quality contractors to test and find out.
For comprehensive home indoor air quality testing and the best indoor air quality testing near me, trust Service 360 Group to keep your home’s air clean and safe.
When you neglect indoor air quality services, you’re often opening the door up for mold spores, dust, and other unfriendly particles to make their home inside your Shillington house. Because air goes through your entire home, spores can establish a presence in an area you don’t usually go into and still cause problems. Having a dehumidifier in place can help, but the only way you’ll know to use it is by scheduling IAQ testing and figuring out that there’s a problem.
When mold spores grow, they often develop in areas where homeowners can’t get to them without doing major damage to their Fleetwood home. It’s always easier to attack mold spores when they’re early in their development and haven’t had a chance to settle in, as opposed to after they’ve permeated your walls and created real breathing problems. Running an IAQ test with our experienced indoor air quality services team can help you eliminate these problems.
For the best indoor air quality testing near me, trust Service 360 Group to ensure your home’s air is clean and safe.
Many people in Berks County can get confused because it’s easy to think that you’re just suffering from allergies when you actually have poor indoor air quality in your home. The difference is illnesses from allergies will go away over time as the seasons change, but health problems or illnesses caused by the air in your home won’t improve until the environment changes.
If you’re noticing dry throat, cough, illness, headache, or other issues commonly confused with allergies, you might want to call to look at IAQ expert solutions. It could turn out that your illness is as simple as needing cleaner air to come through your home in Reading.
At Service 360 Group, we recognize the need for clean air throughout the home, and we’re proud to provide indoor air quality services that our clients can trust. Call us if you think the air inside your home might not be perfectly clean. We’ll run indoor air quality testing and help you determine what solutions might help ensure clean air for all the time you spend at home.
1665 State Hill Rd Unit 700, Wyomissing, PA 19610, United States
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